fly like a little dragon.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

so old liao.

fuck-flu-fuck-flu. i went to shing siong to help my mum abit. haha. i bought lots of chocolates and cheese and ribena! yey. fuck-flu-fuck-flu. i made mac and cheese for dinner today.

im so penat sia. i did the laundry, wash the super dirty dishes and clean the living room. but still, my room is in a mess. =D i need rest. i need sleep. i need my hot green tea cause i've been making stupid pig noise since this morning. nyaa~

anyway, happy 17th birthday to uncle ruzae and happy18th birthday to my baby john!

[frm left: imman and ruz]

xmen yey!

yesterday i bought a new battery for my dead hp. today i bought a new hp charger. haha! so now my hp is alive and kicking! nyaa~

today my brother woke me up at 11am cause i had to attend this meeting with his teacher. so mafan. my brother failed his english and his teacher was like "ur bro ah, have lots of room to improve. u teach him ok. ok." haha! i almost fell asleep during the conversation.

then like ard 2plus, met ashruff. he wanted to use the pc real bad. then my mum called me to meet her outside the library cause she wanted to pass some money. i told ashruff to wait for me for a bit. so mum gave me the money then i went to get icecream lah. haha! i went back to the library and couldnt find ashruff anywhere. cause he went home already. -,-"

i walked around cwp like gundu. played some xbox 360 games for a bit and then sat/slept at the the fountain near mos burger for around 45mins while waiting for hyder to finish sch. haha! then kita akhirnya dapat juga tengok xmen3! excited gila babi lah sial! hahaha.

i just had my dinner. fyi, my stomach like fuck sia. made so much noise in the cinema. ^_^

Sunday, May 28, 2006

xmen ahh.

yesterday i wanted to catch xmen with hyder. but, we failed to get any tickets. we went to 4 diff cinema. from the new cathay to plaza spura to cinelisure and even to lido. ahh, babi! i really wanted to watch xmen sia. aiyer..

went to cityhall to get something to eat then to esplanade. saw froggy on the way to esplanade. haha! went to the rooftop to catch the sunset. yey! hahaha. then like around 8.30 we watched the 70's band performance. haha. an apek on the keyboard sia. so cute. and i just realised that hyder's hair is longer then mine. haha! and he said it's still consider as short. -.-" reached home at around 10 plus. haha. early, i know. haha!

then like around 12.15 the whole family went out to get something to eat. i don't like eating past midnight sia. will make one grow fat easily. haha!

i'm not sure whats my plan for today is. maybe go shopping since my dad got his bonus or maybe go meet hyder to get ice cream. -.-" this is what you get if you mix with a chocolate addict. >_<

Friday, May 26, 2006

no lah.

disclaimer: kireiida isn't really my boyfriend. i was just spouting names to ward off unwanted attention.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

bgr in maple.

hahahaa! today my mum woke me up super early at 10 in the morning. yey! taylor is the new american idol. haha. he look just like my uncle mark sia. actually my plan for today was to sleep till hyder gets back frm jamming then play maple until ks. haha. so, my mission failed.

i ate alot today. cb, like superpig sia. i made mac and cheese for lunch. then for dinner i made my own pasta mixed with lots of ketchup. haha! the thing i hate most about cooking is that i have to wash the dishes. now my hands are very clean sia. and nw i need to polish my nails again. aiyer! lazy lah.

so, i was maple-ing just now and this happen.
xxwadexx: wan to be my gf?
xxwadexx: wan to be my gf?
pandamilk: ?
xxwadexx: be my maple gf.
pandamilk: i gt bf liao.
xxwadexx: who?
pandamilk: kireiiida.

fucker. haha! he was crying sia. stupid sotong umbrella.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

ice cream tak jadi.

today, i woke up early uh. 11.15am. morning sia. actually hyder msg then my hp just beside my ear. like fuck sia. haha!

around 2plus haven't makan yet then straight away go dany's house with ashrap cause theres session with cs. excited lah. then as usual, dany house so hot. fan also no use. dany so fat sia. now his body size like ashrap liao. i think he also eat babi. ok bedek. so we played some tsunami bomb, paramore and stupid originals. haha. now i forget already uh. ouh! dany gave me a new creative earpiece! both my white earpiece like fuck. cause that time, i stepped on it. haha! stupid like fishcake.

then like around 6 met hyder the ^_^. at first i really feel like eating ice cream. but then i havent eat anything yet. so we bought food frm lj's then go lvl 6 carpark eat lor. then played some videos on his laptop. haha! outside cwp about to walk home, saw my sexy arrie aikau. haha! fuck, now so thin sia. then went to halfway for a bit just to say hello to the northriders. lol!

so now im supposed to play maple. haha! kk, byebye!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

bubble tea!

i've finished watching all 26 episode of Da Capo! im not sure wether to continue with the second season or not. Kimi ga Nozomu Eien is very touching sia. ive only watched till episode 2. haha! sedih gila babi uh tu cerita. i think i shall wait for my sis to get back hm and then watch it with her.

just now i bought bubble tea with hyde. first time ever i didn't finished it. cause the weather is so cold. sit at the blk near fuchun sec. played the i dont know what game. use hairband lah. pri sch game. then go cwp want to refill zippo. cb, bus come so late sia. saw endra inside bus. air-con full balst pulak tu. babi. walk ard cwp and then go toilet with aunties, so sleepy sia. hyde bought sushi then eat at titanic then we walk back home lah. if take bus so cold what. stupid.

this morning, i amik roti and spread lots of nutella atas dia and taruk 2 chicken nuggets. then makan. lapas tu sakit perut. this is what i call, macam paham!

okay good night!

Monday, May 22, 2006


i am so fucking sleepy! =_= zzZZ...

yesterday, there was a kenduri tahlil at pasir ris. then i had to wear a baju kurung of course. haha! this time i borrowed from my sis. before going to the kenduri, i went to the cemetery for a bit. it's quiet windy. reached pasir ris at around 2 plus. after the baca-baca doa finished, makan semua, i went to my cousin's room and just sit and did nothing. boring like fishcake. so i sleep lah. when i woke up, my body ache like pencil. ahh! then at night, dad brought us to this shop to get dinner. cb, so late still need to eat. then no choice mah. -.-

last saturday, i went to catch this phillippine jazz band with hyde. first we went to far east for no reason and then we walked to city hall and we got lost cause we walked the other route. -.-" then, my toe got blisters. cb! reached esplanade at around 7.30. then saw rauzan the stupid kids central kid. like knn sia. the face macam mousepad. at first i want to buy chocolates but then i still have sore throat. so i bought ice mountain instead since i didn't bring along my water bottle. stupid sia. then the band finished performing. nothing else to do. hyde bought chocolate ice cream!! cb. i ate only abit lah. cause throat still like knn. then we went to hmv at heeren. this time take train. my leg pain wat. like ard 10.30 still got nothing to do. but very sleepy liao. both of us kept yawning like stupid turtle. before that bought green tea then go home lor!

if i have lots of money, i wish to buy my very own Dear Daniel. ^._.^

Monday, May 15, 2006

ben and jerry

ystd, i woke up and ate some cookie oats and i got a sore throat. eh, it rhymes! -.-"

at ard 7plus it's time for me to goback home from amk. before that i met hyder at cwp to get ben and jerrys. we ate at the carpark. haha! so cina. and i get a good view of the full moon! then hyder took out his bass guitar!! so long didn't play bass. excited sak! but i was too excited and i forgot most of the songs that i know how to play. im such an ass. somehow i feel like want to curi his bass like that. listened to some trance and i don't know what jap songs lah in his mp3. haha! then i let him listen to the song that i made[raidah, you've heard it before. haha!] he said my voice like **cc* vocalist. cb. so diff sia. make ppl paisey only.

i need a bf for a bass guitar! lmfao!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

last friday i went to meet hyder at plaza spura. then he told me that we are going to catch a movie with his friends at the new cathay. the movie title was the The Voice. it was damn scary for me lah. even hyder kept saying cb for i don't know how many times. haha! for those of you who know me well, you should know that im such a kehcngciy! when it comes to these type of stuff. haha! seriously.

for example, when i was i secondary sch, whenever my friends/teacher talks bout scary shits, i will always run/move away/get out of the class. because i, because i don't know why.

and yesterday i went to the lime fleamarket at town. i bought myself some bangles, belts and i forgot what else. i didn't get to buy a top again. haish! then at ard 8 darla and i went to broadcast at sub c. paid 10bucks and we only get to watch 4 bands. i had fun. before going home, went to eat prata at sembawang rd. see lah, eat past midnight. confirm gain weight. -.-"

okay byebye`

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


there will be fair opening soon near causeway point. menarik! means there will be pasar malam too! means TAKOYAKI! haha!

this week im going to cut Arr Captain's hair and get money. yesss!

for the past few day, i ate roti and drank lots of plain water and etc lah. and i lost 2 kg. haha. "ah, in just a short time!"

btw, that knnccbknsnb will no longer in my friend list. yess! if you guys know who im refering to lah eh.

ouh ouh! my maple! haha. still alive and kicking. cute like me. okay bedek. during weekdays i can only train myself cause my master hyder have school what. so on weekends, i can walk2 ard victoria island with my master hyder disguise as a girl. michiruu! hahas!

next week there's session and stuff with cs. i think lah. im not sure. cb! i miss playing the bass like fuck! i asked my dad to buy me one and he said "ask your bf to buy for you lah!"
-.-" what sia. no bf no bass guitar.

lol. gila ppl will only go after me sia. hahas! might as well wait for randy orton/conor oberst. confirm menarik.

who wants my leftover snickers?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


my maple now level 11. and i've become the warrior. thanks so hyde.

im sleepy. good night!