fly like a little dragon.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

day one of school

i went to school with herfiz and his friend. i really forget what his name was. hahaa! anyway, reached school around 10.10am. and the orientation was supposed to be from 10am-5pm. we cabut at 11am and had murtabak at zamzam instead. -.-" i don't even know which class i belong to. then we went to the apple service centre at orchard cause of his ipod. but the person said had to go to yo chu kang. i accompanied him since i have no plans. the sun was killing us sia!

reached woodlands around 4plus and i was damned sleepy. i even took the wrong esclator. people laughed at me instead of telling me that i took the bloody thing wrongly.

met fir, irsyad and hilmi behind 1million at 8pm. yay, i don't know how to skate! then hilmi teached me some stuff and we even skate on one longboard together. hahaa! cute lah hilmi with his scorpions hair. anyway, we were screened by the pigs. -.-"

chilli crab. it was actually instant noodles lor.

hope my sexy kushkush is having fun at melaca with his family now.


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