fly like a little dragon.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

bgr in maple.

hahahaa! today my mum woke me up super early at 10 in the morning. yey! taylor is the new american idol. haha. he look just like my uncle mark sia. actually my plan for today was to sleep till hyder gets back frm jamming then play maple until ks. haha. so, my mission failed.

i ate alot today. cb, like superpig sia. i made mac and cheese for lunch. then for dinner i made my own pasta mixed with lots of ketchup. haha! the thing i hate most about cooking is that i have to wash the dishes. now my hands are very clean sia. and nw i need to polish my nails again. aiyer! lazy lah.

so, i was maple-ing just now and this happen.
xxwadexx: wan to be my gf?
xxwadexx: wan to be my gf?
pandamilk: ?
xxwadexx: be my maple gf.
pandamilk: i gt bf liao.
xxwadexx: who?
pandamilk: kireiiida.

fucker. haha! he was crying sia. stupid sotong umbrella.


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