fly like a little dragon.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

ice cream tak jadi.

today, i woke up early uh. 11.15am. morning sia. actually hyder msg then my hp just beside my ear. like fuck sia. haha!

around 2plus haven't makan yet then straight away go dany's house with ashrap cause theres session with cs. excited lah. then as usual, dany house so hot. fan also no use. dany so fat sia. now his body size like ashrap liao. i think he also eat babi. ok bedek. so we played some tsunami bomb, paramore and stupid originals. haha. now i forget already uh. ouh! dany gave me a new creative earpiece! both my white earpiece like fuck. cause that time, i stepped on it. haha! stupid like fishcake.

then like around 6 met hyder the ^_^. at first i really feel like eating ice cream. but then i havent eat anything yet. so we bought food frm lj's then go lvl 6 carpark eat lor. then played some videos on his laptop. haha! outside cwp about to walk home, saw my sexy arrie aikau. haha! fuck, now so thin sia. then went to halfway for a bit just to say hello to the northriders. lol!

so now im supposed to play maple. haha! kk, byebye!


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