fly like a little dragon.

Monday, July 17, 2006

macam dah bukan baybeats jer =^o^=

i am very tired and i need sleep. i went to all 3 days of baybeats. it somewhat makes me hate the environment down there. matrep-ians moshing? thats something new and fucking disgusting.

friday: the crowd was just nice. good people. i went home with my a deep scar on my lips and a huge blublack on my arms. =/

saturday: i went with darla, maya and my boys. went back wlds and followed my boys skate at wlds interchange. thanks to kushkush for the bike ride. i went back home at 11am. sleepy...

sunday: was supposed to go with hilmi. luckily, theres some more people to join us.

okay, now im late for my session.


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