fly like a little dragon.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


there will be fair opening soon near causeway point. menarik! means there will be pasar malam too! means TAKOYAKI! haha!

this week im going to cut Arr Captain's hair and get money. yesss!

for the past few day, i ate roti and drank lots of plain water and etc lah. and i lost 2 kg. haha. "ah, in just a short time!"

btw, that knnccbknsnb will no longer in my friend list. yess! if you guys know who im refering to lah eh.

ouh ouh! my maple! haha. still alive and kicking. cute like me. okay bedek. during weekdays i can only train myself cause my master hyder have school what. so on weekends, i can walk2 ard victoria island with my master hyder disguise as a girl. michiruu! hahas!

next week there's session and stuff with cs. i think lah. im not sure. cb! i miss playing the bass like fuck! i asked my dad to buy me one and he said "ask your bf to buy for you lah!"
-.-" what sia. no bf no bass guitar.

lol. gila ppl will only go after me sia. hahas! might as well wait for randy orton/conor oberst. confirm menarik.

who wants my leftover snickers?


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