fly like a little dragon.

Monday, May 15, 2006

ben and jerry

ystd, i woke up and ate some cookie oats and i got a sore throat. eh, it rhymes! -.-"

at ard 7plus it's time for me to goback home from amk. before that i met hyder at cwp to get ben and jerrys. we ate at the carpark. haha! so cina. and i get a good view of the full moon! then hyder took out his bass guitar!! so long didn't play bass. excited sak! but i was too excited and i forgot most of the songs that i know how to play. im such an ass. somehow i feel like want to curi his bass like that. listened to some trance and i don't know what jap songs lah in his mp3. haha! then i let him listen to the song that i made[raidah, you've heard it before. haha!] he said my voice like **cc* vocalist. cb. so diff sia. make ppl paisey only.

i need a bf for a bass guitar! lmfao!


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