fly like a little dragon.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


today i cooked my own dinner. i made mac with mushroom and kechup. actually, i don't know whats its called.

biar hanya ALLAH sajer yg tahu says:
i dreamt of u!
biar hanya ALLAH sajer yg tahu says:
u incy wincy spider!
bang.smack.ouch. says:
bang.smack.ouch. says:
what am i doing in you dreams?
biar hanya ALLAH sajer yg tahu says:
standing behind me malu to talk 2 me
bang.smack.ouch. says:
bang.smack.ouch. says:
you know why?
bang.smack.ouch. says:
because kita sudah lama tak jumpa!
biar hanya ALLAH sajer yg tahu says:

and yesterday i dreamt about yantaro. and the day before that, tasha. this is what happen when you miss someone.


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