fly like a little dragon.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

xmen ahh.

yesterday i wanted to catch xmen with hyder. but, we failed to get any tickets. we went to 4 diff cinema. from the new cathay to plaza spura to cinelisure and even to lido. ahh, babi! i really wanted to watch xmen sia. aiyer..

went to cityhall to get something to eat then to esplanade. saw froggy on the way to esplanade. haha! went to the rooftop to catch the sunset. yey! hahaha. then like around 8.30 we watched the 70's band performance. haha. an apek on the keyboard sia. so cute. and i just realised that hyder's hair is longer then mine. haha! and he said it's still consider as short. -.-" reached home at around 10 plus. haha. early, i know. haha!

then like around 12.15 the whole family went out to get something to eat. i don't like eating past midnight sia. will make one grow fat easily. haha!

i'm not sure whats my plan for today is. maybe go shopping since my dad got his bonus or maybe go meet hyder to get ice cream. -.-" this is what you get if you mix with a chocolate addict. >_<


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