fly like a little dragon.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


last saturday afternoon, i got a surprise msg. it was from my pri 5 crush. hehehee. he asked me out but i was to tired. -.-" the day before he msged me, i saw him with his gf. somehow i feel that things just kept on repeating itself. one come, makes you happysad then go. then, another one comes.

the wdp reunion dinner was just actually not true. it's just an opening ceremony and graduates can come. july 10th. and i would only go if there's more then 6 people going.

ystd night had conference with maya, kiong, taufiq and arrie. they said maya and i have the same voice. wtf? andandand! i was happy that we had conference. cause when everyone has hangup, i get to talk with my kushkush arrie. hahahaa! babi lah dia.
-.-" someone still owe me icecream! >.<

"Hey fat ass... u cn call me nw... bt i hvnt call de rez.." -mr sexy


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