fly like a little dragon.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

not yet okay.

my sorethroat was gone this morning and it came back. lol. so last week i have not eaten much and i lost weight. yay. but still not enough. i still weigh 42kg!

i woke up pretty early today and i followed my sis to her friends house to catch scary movie4. i ate chocolates. then off to danys' for session and he gave me lots of kit-kats. before heading home, i went to ntuc and bought myself gold almond and ice cream for the apek naik motor. so, here i am agian with a sorethroat.

there will be an audition this friday at ite semei. i have no idea what its all about actually. and i will be away on friday till sunday to darla's chalet. anyone who is free. do come. partay sama saya! kita minum dulu. k, bedek.


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