fly like a little dragon.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


i was browsing through my old blogspot and i found lots of funny/sweet/weird stuff. when i was in sec 2, still in msl band with my huge euphonium. mixed with chinese and bullies malays. had a chinese bf. hahaa! going to the arcade, sushi outings, every saturday.

in sec 3, i started to hate myself. i thought that getting a mohawk could make one happy. i was wrong. through out that whole year, it was like everything i do, i do it for crappy bunny. how stupid. hahaa!

when i was in sec 4, i hate boys except for my classmates. because boys are weird. they like to make you feel like you are the one, then they will hurt your feelings like nbccbknnassholefuckaneneh sia. at the end of the year i gt myself some real bestie. hahaa.

i found this from one of my last year post. it was from shahnor my evil twin during our short convo in msn.

me: halus!
evil: haloo!
evil: i want to log out.
me: uh huh.
evil: i jus drop by to say haloo...
me: how sweet
evil: thanx for approaching me
me: mmkays :)
evil: i dun expect to...take care
me: you too take care
evil: hope u enjoy ur weekend
me: same goes to you.
evil: good night. bye-bye.
me: byees!
evil: :) aniwae remember dat i melt in ur mouth not in anybody hand...
me: i sure will! <3!

ahh, i miss those happy days. i wonder what will happen to me when i turned 23.


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