fly like a little dragon.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

rabaknye anak dare ni......

school starting in 2 days time. and i've been sleeping at 5am since i don't know when. yesterday i tried to sleep at 12am. after i switched off the comp, i felt hungry and i totally forgot about sleeping. i have ridiculous panda eyes right now. it look very horrid. i can't even hide it with eyeliner. somehow it makes my eyes look even worst.

i think i'm the worst anak dara ever. i don't have a proper bedtime. i eat whatever i want. i have a messy room. i shower once a day unless i sweat. i switch on the comp once i woke up and switch it off only i feel sleepy or i've plans to go out. i only help my mum in the kitchen when she shouts out my name.

you know something, hilmi can cook nasi goreng. i can't even do that. he cleaned and organised his room, swept the house floor just this morning. what was i doing when he was doing something meaningfull? i was sleeping. and i thought all boys are lazy. im wrong.

i think hilmi will make a good bf. =D


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