fly like a little dragon.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


i want the old times back. where i get to be happy like a pap kid everyday. smile and laugh at almost anything. i miss having a huge crush on bunny. i miss people playing around with my hair and make it look as if i just out of bed. i miss being left out as the boys make way to the toilet. i miss watching mr sexy telling the lj people "combo1 add aside fries and coleslaw" with a huge grin on his face. i miss going to town instead of studying for our n lvl. i miss my sillykids really bad. =(

it's the time of the year again. confusion hits me. god, please give me some clue. this is not right.

happy 17th birthday my darling darlasue. je t'aime vous ĂȘtes le meilleur!


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