fly like a little dragon.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

home lah home.

yesterday was 060606. nothing special happen. wtf. hahaa. anyway, im going home today and finally can play maple peacefully. yay!

just now 4s3 had this conversation in msn. everyone was typing non-stop. ks sia. then marcus said somehow he felt as if we were at the back at the class talking shit. hahaa. stupid dog. it was fun lah actually. i just had my shower lerr. hahaa.

ouh yah, today i woke up before 12. hahahaa. then azmi asked me to go out with him but then till now did call/msg me leh. hahaa. gila. later will be meeting fatty dany and ashruff. to get the tix for sunday gig @ij. wahh, i dont really like going there. but for dany sake. hahaa.

erms, thank god that my friendship with arrie was okay. cause i think we had a little conflict over stupid stuff. and like what darla said, just enjoy the ride. u wont know whats going to happen next. so right now, im just going to partay! no lah bedek. if anything happens, i still have my yo!bestfriend. hahahaa. fuck u lah babi. jangan macam paham.

happy birthday to shahriza!! so long didnt see her. miss her lah.

trust jane and buy her chocolates/ice cream and u will be safe.


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