fly like a little dragon.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

day one of school

i went to school with herfiz and his friend. i really forget what his name was. hahaa! anyway, reached school around 10.10am. and the orientation was supposed to be from 10am-5pm. we cabut at 11am and had murtabak at zamzam instead. -.-" i don't even know which class i belong to. then we went to the apple service centre at orchard cause of his ipod. but the person said had to go to yo chu kang. i accompanied him since i have no plans. the sun was killing us sia!

reached woodlands around 4plus and i was damned sleepy. i even took the wrong esclator. people laughed at me instead of telling me that i took the bloody thing wrongly.

met fir, irsyad and hilmi behind 1million at 8pm. yay, i don't know how to skate! then hilmi teached me some stuff and we even skate on one longboard together. hahaa! cute lah hilmi with his scorpions hair. anyway, we were screened by the pigs. -.-"

chilli crab. it was actually instant noodles lor.

hope my sexy kushkush is having fun at melaca with his family now.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

rabaknye anak dare ni......

school starting in 2 days time. and i've been sleeping at 5am since i don't know when. yesterday i tried to sleep at 12am. after i switched off the comp, i felt hungry and i totally forgot about sleeping. i have ridiculous panda eyes right now. it look very horrid. i can't even hide it with eyeliner. somehow it makes my eyes look even worst.

i think i'm the worst anak dara ever. i don't have a proper bedtime. i eat whatever i want. i have a messy room. i shower once a day unless i sweat. i switch on the comp once i woke up and switch it off only i feel sleepy or i've plans to go out. i only help my mum in the kitchen when she shouts out my name.

you know something, hilmi can cook nasi goreng. i can't even do that. he cleaned and organised his room, swept the house floor just this morning. what was i doing when he was doing something meaningfull? i was sleeping. and i thought all boys are lazy. im wrong.

i think hilmi will make a good bf. =D

Monday, July 17, 2006

macam dah bukan baybeats jer =^o^=

i am very tired and i need sleep. i went to all 3 days of baybeats. it somewhat makes me hate the environment down there. matrep-ians moshing? thats something new and fucking disgusting.

friday: the crowd was just nice. good people. i went home with my a deep scar on my lips and a huge blublack on my arms. =/

saturday: i went with darla, maya and my boys. went back wlds and followed my boys skate at wlds interchange. thanks to kushkush for the bike ride. i went back home at 11am. sleepy...

sunday: was supposed to go with hilmi. luckily, theres some more people to join us.

okay, now im late for my session.

Friday, July 14, 2006

so many events so little time.

again, full moon is here. might be going to the beach with my kor, ahmadeii. i pity him. such a sad ending in his relationship. but, life goes on! i always put fiq's favourite qoute in mind. LoveSux. hahaa! party first maa. xD

july, the month i've been waiting for this year.
07:darla's birthday
14-16:baybeats 2006
20:sister's birthday
21:lasalle orientation
22:tapestry at heeren
24:school starts
29:the mixtape theory/moshpit volume 1

i can only remember some. i really forget the rest. i know i'll be having lots of outing with my boys. i need a camera, fast.

i still can't decide who to go baybeats with. i've yet to tell sadiq that i won't be going to catch pirates with him. i just hope my date for tomorrow smells nice. hahaa! date? wtf. if it's just so difficult, i might as well go with my band or hilmi apek. lol.

CONGRATS to pandamilk for becoming a Fighter at level 30. secondjob already! so happy. no more stupid PQ. i also get experience of becoming a leader for 3 PQ. it was fun ordering people what to do but i hate changeing chanels. ashmok calles me maplefreak. =\ but my bestfriend alip is a hardcore gamefreak. 24hrs ranonline. 24hrs sleep. now level 131. and thats explains why he gain so much weight. erks!

anyway, i was on a conversation with someone earlier and we were talking about having a bf/gf. he is so silly. he dares me to gt a bf with a misai. whatever it is, i don't need a bf right now. hahaa! cause nowdays boys tends to use lots of money. seriously.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

being obsessed. hw weird.

tell me, is it a good thing being so obsessed with someone you know for just a few weeks. i think the answer is no. because you don't know the person true colours yet and you might(eventually) hurt youself.

i don't know. somehow i think it's bloody silly for someone being obsessed with someone in just a short time.

here's an example. what if the whole school knew you're obsessed with this ubercool hot guy. he talks to you almost everyday actually because he does not want you to feel stupid. every girl in school thinks he's to die for. and so one day this guy thinks you're boring and dosen't want to contact you anymore. the next day, the whole school finds out. how would you feel?

what im trying to say is, being obsessed with a guy like this is just wasting your precious time unless you've known him for 4 years! hahaa.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

heeeh heeeh *((iii))*

firstly, italy won the world cup. so much for darla saying "viva la francis!". zidane headbutt was awsome. kaapow! im quite sad brazil didn't make it this year. im not a soccer fan but all i know it that, i love ronaldo. screw you people!

i love today. the wdp reunion thingy wasnt like a reunion. it was more like a neighbourhood gathering at wdp. there's only darham, nabilah, chomel, azhar and me. we were fucking late. we end up walking around the school and talking to the teachers. mr max chua recognise me! mr menon still has his misai unshaven. -.-"

we left at around 9.20pm and headed to cwp cause andy asked me to wait for him finish work. i saw emmil at 711. hahaa! then we get to watch SupermanReturns. it was kindda slow. andy came to the movie halfway and he asked me to accompany him smoke inside toilet. siao. then andy and i watched Recycle for only 30mins. ghost story sial!! i was like covering my face all the way. and the cb andy kept on shouting "Boo! Argh! taupon takot" wtf. kalau tau i didnt follow him in the first place. we went back to hall 2 but darham and nabilah went home already. aiyer.. then we walked home since no bus.

anyway, today was my first time watching 2 movies on the same day. and i just found out that andy's dad name has two D. mine is just one. hahaa!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

and i saw my bestfriend!

the mia musica was fun. i get to see lots of people. i saw sir hairi growing tall.
my jing yu, lola, rekkha and lots lots more. i miss the band family. i remember when i was still in the band, they called me bawang cause my name somewhat sounds like onion to them. -.-"

there was a break before the chinese ochestra performance. everyone rushed out to hug one another. i went down to follow my mum to the toilet but i ran towards this guy who wears a black hooded sweater and black everything instead. i hugged him from the back. guess who? it was my super sexy kush kush arrie!! he has short hair! his eyebrow piercing is rather cute i guess. it makes him look like a different person. but i only get to spend less then 10mins with him. and his hp kena cut off. sob sob.

well, arrie sure made my day =D. i wasn't in a good mood since early in the morning cause my mum naggs at me for waking up late and stuff.


i want the old times back. where i get to be happy like a pap kid everyday. smile and laugh at almost anything. i miss having a huge crush on bunny. i miss people playing around with my hair and make it look as if i just out of bed. i miss being left out as the boys make way to the toilet. i miss watching mr sexy telling the lj people "combo1 add aside fries and coleslaw" with a huge grin on his face. i miss going to town instead of studying for our n lvl. i miss my sillykids really bad. =(

it's the time of the year again. confusion hits me. god, please give me some clue. this is not right.

happy 17th birthday my darling darlasue. je t'aime vous ĂȘtes le meilleur!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


last saturday afternoon, i got a surprise msg. it was from my pri 5 crush. hehehee. he asked me out but i was to tired. -.-" the day before he msged me, i saw him with his gf. somehow i feel that things just kept on repeating itself. one come, makes you happysad then go. then, another one comes.

the wdp reunion dinner was just actually not true. it's just an opening ceremony and graduates can come. july 10th. and i would only go if there's more then 6 people going.

ystd night had conference with maya, kiong, taufiq and arrie. they said maya and i have the same voice. wtf? andandand! i was happy that we had conference. cause when everyone has hangup, i get to talk with my kushkush arrie. hahahaa! babi lah dia.
-.-" someone still owe me icecream! >.<

"Hey fat ass... u cn call me nw... bt i hvnt call de rez.." -mr sexy

Sunday, July 02, 2006

pantat kassim betul.

ystd, cassiopeia went jamming. =) the bass is getting heavier. lols. after that, we went our seperate ways. ash jammed with aja, dany had to go home cause he wanted to stay over at bras basah to buy his guitar on sat. so kiasu, like mr.bean. so nas and i walked ard cwp for abit. saw this cute baby. then the mother like knn. i was half asleep when i was walking cause i slept very late the other day and i was very hungry. afterwards, we went to the coffeeshop near cwp and to meet g. after drinking lemonade, i felt so fresh. i went off to meet kb, ruz, hafiz and feroz at 169 at ard 10.30. they said i look fat. hahaa! cb.

i had fun today. taufiq gave me a wake up call at 1plus. lol. he asked me wether the ice cream outing with him is confirm or not. i was very lazy and have no mood to go out at all. ard 6.30, i didnt have anything to do besides maple-ing, i called him and met him, wak, daeng and their friend at lucky plaza. they said i gained weight. nie lagi satu punya turtle. hahaa! followed them played pool. saw andy with his friend. then we walked to esplanade and did some catching up and stuff.

reached home 10mins before 1am. and my stupid brother didnt turn the adt alarm off. and when i opened the door, both my parents woke up. hahaa! then i had to make milo and coffee for my dad while he's watching soccer. apadahh!

time check 4.06am. i don't know why lately, i've been sleeping very late. betul punya panda.