fly like a little dragon.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

term 2 of sch.

i think i am moving on to a new blogspot soon. i am really busy with school. it's term 2 and i have a new project to be completed in 5 more weeks. after that it's the holidays. i'm going to get a job that pays me ard 5$ and hour.

i met lot's of new people ever since school started. and i love all of them except for one. hahaa! i seriously need a good personal timetable. i always reach home around 12. and that's really unhealthy. i need more time to sleep and do homewrk.

jamming next week and i am really looking forwrd to it. bass guitar coming soon i hope. gig is on december. in need of a new vocalist.

i've dyed my hair red. and now i look like a strawberry. hafiz cut my hair yesterday. it somewhat looked like tegan and sara. hahahaa!

shall update something nice soon, i hope.


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