fly like a little dragon.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

i miss arrie aikau.

somehow i think i don't deserve to friends with some poeple. it's bloody irritating okay. i'm not being mean or whatever. only god knows how much i love every single one of my friends. and of course lah, theres additional "love" to my besties.

few days ago i was chatting with taufiq and i told him that i cannot understand boys besides him. hahaa! taufiq is the best. minus his crappiness lah. but wth. okay, one of the sillykids likes this girl in my sec sch but omg of all the girls. because of this, our friendship is now unstable. no more latenight phonecalls, hanging out and stuff. i read his testimonials and stuff the other day. and from there, i can bet with you that he likes her. but he wont admit it to me. haish. i mean if its about another girl its okay lah. aiyer, no point lah kan ini semua. and yes, i dont wish to put his name here. hahaa! i like his advise. merepek but good. i remember one time when that stupididiotnbccbskinheadfuckerassholerahmat incidence. thank god he was there when i need him. awhh, i miss appleface. =(

my flu+headache+fever+supersorethroat is getting worser sia. i want chocolates. i want icecream!


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