fly like a little dragon.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


before i went to sleep ystd, i had 2 glasses of cold ribena, 2 snickers and some mnm's. i dreamt about weird stuff again. anyway, i woke up with a red eye and my throat hurts like fuck. after my shower, suddenly theres this stupid headache lah sial.

everything around me is very confusing. i was playing maple killing some wild boars. then i was half asleep like that. i pressed the z button all the way and my maple died. haish. since 3pm all i had was an apple. and a snickers lah.

i guess i wont be catching sevensundays today at plaza singapura. somehow, now i miss my sillykids like fuck. can't wait for this saturday. i hope it wont turn out into a double-date. eee. i still remember last year. of all the people lah sial. haish. like knn betul.

now i think im going to sleep or go ntuc to get greentea or something for a bit.


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