fly like a little dragon.

Friday, March 31, 2006

job not.

i went job-hunting today and i failed to get any. from chua chu kang lot 1 to sun plaza and of course causeway point! haha! shall try at junction 8 tomorrow because theres lots of mini shops. okay im talking crap. hell yeah im tired.

my current favourite things at the moment are, the blood brothers, the chemical brothers, south park, cold apples and strawberry ice blend with pearl.

that was so random! haha!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

job please.

i got posted to lasalle-sia. school starts in mid july. there will be orientation before that. so i have like 3-4 months more to go before school starts! haha! just one thing thats making me a bit worried is that i don't, i mean i have no idea what to wear to school everyday! haha!

okay so, alip is touching up on my layouts. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! im such an ass when it comes to editing and stuff. haha!

saturday is Randy Keith Orton birthday!!! i love you! *muacks muacks*. okay thats so disgusting. haha!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

first entry.

this is my third time creating a blog.

as you can see, the layout is kindda shitty at the moment because i did it myself. bah. im stuck with the background. i mean i can't like have background pictures and stuff.

you know what, im starting to listen to the chemical brothers all over again! haha!