fly like a little dragon.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

i love aussie!

i had lots of fun today. i went to plaza singapura with uin to catch ari wibowo on stage. haha! the crowd is full of indonesian's maids. and i was sweating like a pig and i swear i feel like moshing down there. haha! i did get to take pictures of him with my hp since my cam is dead. blah.

and i met, my ex primary school classmate, Zu Gaddrice. haha! shall not mention his full name nanti kene sepak baru padan muke aku. he has change alot. i mean from the eric cartman look alike, to a good looking aussie guy. haha! ngada-ngada. 6 years do make a difference. just like he said, 'tanam jagung dah grow banyak dah'. he's malay is worse than mine! haha!

i missed the flea market at the expo. but, theres always next time.


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