fly like a little dragon.

Friday, April 07, 2006

confusion hits me.

you know, these few days after i met zu, i really don't know what had happen with me. i get excited/mad/happy/sad at the same time whenever i spend time with him. the problem is that im confused.

he makes me feel good about myself and he makes me happy always. and he listen to songs as same as me. he boogys/sings around like nobody busniess. which is good. what alip/kiong told me, yes yes. it's true that hes mind is weird. but i know how to take care of myself.

if i ignore him, i'm being a meanie. im such a dkfhacnuhytugh!!!

you see, he just called me and said that we shloud not hangout anymore. minutes later, he msged me to go to the band concert come this sunday. now, who is in the wrong here?

somehow i miss you-know-who.


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